Nature, Our Medicine: Connect to Nature. Boost Your Health. Heal Our Planet

Discover how the natural world sustains us.


Nature, Our Medicine is a life-changing proposition. It takes us through the rapids of our high-stress world to the calming balm of nature – Just like rafting the Franklin.”

Bob Brown
Environmentalist, Former Australian Politician and Medical Doctor


In Nature, Our Medicine, you will:

• Uncover the links between planetary and human health.

• Discover the benefits of time in nature for your body, mind and heart.

• Learn how to go forest bathing and create your own nature prescription.

• Find out why nature play is so important for children.

• Look to the philosophies of First Nations people.

• Recognise your inherent biophilia, or love of the living world.

• See how we can heal ourselves and our planet at the same time.

How spending time in nature heals

connect to nature | boost your health | heal our planet

book reviews
“Dr Dimity Williams doesn’t sugar coat the challenges, but also leaves the reader hopeful with practical solutions from making space in our lives for nature, inspiring the next generation, and even writing nature prescriptions for her patients."
Dr Grant Blashki
Lead Clinical Adviser, Beyond Blue & University of Melbourne Associate Professor in Global Health
“With an engaging and unique blend of medical knowledge and passion for the natural world, Dr Williams reminds us we are not above nature, but that our health is intimately connected to that of the planet and all living things…and that we ignore this at our peril.”
Dr Marion Carey
Associate Professor & Public Health Physician
"A comprehensively researched, powerful book that will leave no reader in doubt of the inextricable link between our health, our wellbeing and humanity's life support system - Earth."
Dr Eugenie Kayak
Professor in Sustainable Healthcare
"This book is riveting, essential reading in these times. We've lost our way in this world and lost our connection to the earth. This book is a signpost back."
Suze Male
Writer & Yoga Teacher
Dr Dimity Williams author of Nature, Our Medicine

Meet Dr Dimity Williams

Dr Dimity Williams is a mother, nature lover, and family doctor. Following her medical degree, she completed further training to become a fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. She has worked as a Family Physician for 25 years in inner Melbourne on Wurundjeri Country, and enjoys looking after the whole person from pre-conception to old age. Dimity has completed additional training in obstetrics, paediatrics and mental health, particularly mindfulness meditation.

She has worked in environmental advocacy with multiple organisations from grassroots community groups to large associations. Dimity is an alumna of the Centre for Sustainability Leadership, a co-founder of the Kids In Nature Network, and founder of Doctors for the Environment Australia’s Biodiversity Special Interest Group. Passionate about integrating nature into healthcare, she has written and spoken about the ‘nature: health interface’ in various forums and delights in issuing nature prescriptions. 

Nature, Our Medicine is her first book.

dive deeper

nature prescriptions

This is a new type of prescription where a doctor suggests their patient spend a certain amount of time in nature on a regular basis. Why? Because spending time in nature has great health benefits!

learn how to connect to nature from the indigenous first peoples of Australia

connecting to nature

Living a busy life in modern suburbia, it can sometimes feel like nature is distant from us, almost abstract. Find out how you can connect with nature.

What is Nature Play?

Nature play is simply providing the time and space for children to be in nature. It is child-focused and child-led with no adult-directed outcome.

journalling after nature immersion

Journalling after a nature immersion experience can help you process your thoughts, feelings, and observations, allowing for deeper reflection and potential healing.

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